1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
62/80 B
WWW: Very good grasp and analysis of the news case study
EBI: You need to include your independent case study in section B
2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for A2 Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need across Section A and Section B to achieve your target grade?
I met my target grade for A2 media. To exceed my target grade I would need 3 extra marks
3) Read through the mark scheme. Pay particular attention to pages 6-8 that have suggested content for each of the questions in Section A. How many of these potential points did you make? Did you successfully answer the questions? The original question paper is here if that is helpful.
I gave several similar examples to the potential points suggested by the mark scheme for question 1, but could have included more examples and analysis for the Russell Brand video. However, my analysis was not as sophisticated as it could have been and this limited answer has pushed down the mark. Similarly in question 2, the analysis was sufficient but there could have been more examples used. I could have also referred to production standards and the presentations of facts rather than opinions to create a stronger argument. Question 3 got a slightly higher mark, but could have been full marks if i referred to potential points such as the differences between certain institutions and gave stronger examples.
4) Which was your strongest question in Section A? Why did you do better in that particular question? Note the number of marks each question is worth.
Question 3 was my strongest answer in section A where I got 9 marks out of 12. I did better in that question due to the recent examples I gave and continuously referred back to the question. In question 2 I achieved 8 marks and question 1 I achieved 5 marks.
5) Which was your weakest question in Section A? Again, try and identify why this happened. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you run out of time?
Question 1 was my weakest question in section A where I achieved 5 marks. I believe the reason for this is because I did not go into much depth with my analysis of the products
6) Now look at pages 11-12 of the mark scheme for Section B - New/Digital Media paying particular attention to the suggested essay content on page 12. How many of the broad areas suggested by AQA did you cover in your Section B essay? Did you successfully answer the question?
I believe I successfully answered the question as Section B was my stronger section in the exam paper. I believe this is due to the better essay structure and in depth analysis that included various media debates. I referred to most of the broad areas suggested by AQA such as the recent developments in new and digital media, the changing role of media producers and how they respond to it. I may have gotten the extra 8 marks if I included more examples or perhaps explained them more in depth.
7) Read the Examiner's Report in full. For each question your answered, would you classify your response as one of the stronger answers or one of the weaker answers the Chief Examiner discusses? Why? What could you do differently next time? Write a reflection for EACH question in the paper: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q6 OR Q7.
Q1: I would classify my response as one of the weaker ones. Although i referred to some of the the desired points made in the report, I only focused on a few media language techniques which made me lose out on marks
Q2: I believe I done better in this question due to the fact that I referred to the marxist perspective, which the examiner report expects to see in the better responses. I believe that I should have mentioned the media products in addition to my examples, which were also limited.
Q3: I believe I should have taken a stronger standpoint and referred to both sides of the argument in this question, which is a key point mentioned in the examiner report. However, I explained how various platforms such as Twitter have been used, which the examiner report points out as being in the better responses.
Q6: I could have referred to the BBC moving to BBC3 online, which is a recent development and the New Day newspaper. I however referred to various points made in the examiner report, such as paywalls. Although I did not include my own case study in the PPE I believe this would have enabled me to get relevant marks as Twitter is a recent subject.
8) Choose your weakest question in Section A and re-write an answer in full based on the suggested content from the Examiner's Report. This answer needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme. This will be somewhere between 3-6 well-developed paragraphs (depending on the question/number of marks available).
Question 1
Various media language techniques have been used by each media product to make them appear authoritative and trustworthy. The use of a male voice as a narrator immediately creates an authoritative atmosphere, as male voices are often associated with dominance and superiority. Product 1 takes advantage of mise-en-scene to portray a glitzy lifestyle which illuminates control and authority. The location, the city of London is a power hub in terms of political and economical life which links back to authority and superiority. The protagonist is also wearing a suit and tie which reinforces this image of authority and professionalism, which also links back to the theme of trustworthy. The flashback shot of the protagonist previous lifestyle creates a trustworthy image as it suggests that the protagonist was once in a similar position as the audience, this personal identification (Katz and Blumler) portrays the company as reliable and honest. The shift to a new equilibrium (Todorov) creates a sense of hope and opportunity for the audience, which makes the product seem more appealing and trustworthy. This is reiterated through language such as "stay true to yourself".
Product 2 creates a more trustworthy image as a news institution through the use of interviews with the residents of the estate. This sense of realism makes the product more trustworthy due to its similarities with traditional news. Alternatively, the use of victims adds onto the products validity and allows audiences to relate. The use of Russell Brand, a celebrity, also reinforces reliability to the Trews image due to Brand acting as an opinion leader (Two step flow model), while also implementing authority as audiences are more likely to listen to a significant figure. The use of hand-held editing reinforces the raw and and realistic image of everyday life, and by editing in headlines reinforces this image of the Trews as a reliable media outlet due to the relevant discussions on issues that are currently taking place.
Hi! do u have the answers to the question ?? for the AQA media 2016 Alevel paper?