Monday 19 September 2016

New and Digital Media: News case study introduction

Major players in terms of UK news providers


Broadcast - BBC news, BBC1, BBC2,BBC 4 (TV news has to be politically neutral)
E-media - BBC News online, BBC iPlayer, BBC radio news

News Corporation 

2013 - 1/3 of the newspaper market
Radio - Fox Film Music Group, Fox News Radio, Wireless Group Plc
Print - The Times(paywall) The Sun (conservative supporter), The Sunday Times


Broadcast - Sky news, Sky sports. The joint ventures i.e. Nickelodeon
E-media - On-demand


Broadcast - Channel 4 News, Channel 5, Channel 4, ITV
E-media -  ITN has expanded its video news service providing news, sport and showbiz content to a wide range of broadcasters, newspapers and websites. Daily Mail, Daily Express, Daily Star, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and The Independent.

Detailed statistics on readership of newspapers

The impact of Google

1)Google has led to the decline of the newspaper industry because they invested billions of dollars in advertising revenue 

2) More than $40 billion of advertising money has disappeared from the newspaper business over the past decade or so, or about 60 percent of the ad revenue the industry generated at its peak in 2000. Google had grabbed about $44 billion by 2012, from virtually nothing in 2000 - the Newspaper Association of America

3) According to the graph, 2012 has seen the steepest decline in newspaper advertising revenue.

4) Personally I do not think that google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their job as Personally, I do not believe Google is entirely to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs as the world has encountered many changes since entering the digital age. Advertising for example has a growing presence online as many people read newspapers online more than they do with print newspapers.


"The irony is that Google is probably more of a savior than a killer of journalism and editorial content. How many thousands of blogs, fan sites, writers, startup outlets, etc., have been discovered by Google’s search algorithms? How many talented artists and great stories have found a launching pad on YouTube and other Google outlets? How much content has been spread into new languages due to Google translate?

Google has forced journalistic outlets to innovate and search for new ways of doing things. It has made information dissemination more efficient. While at times that has been bad for the average journalist trying to make a buck, from a big picture perspective, it has been good for helping people get access to information, and that includes journalism."

I agree with this comment because I do believe Google has allowed the journalism to grow. Despite the fact it may have had an impact on certain outlets, Google has forced these outlets to become more creative and innovative which is necessarily not a bad thing. Google as a whole has allowed journalism online to flourish and made accessing information and news more easy. 


"The vast majority of Google’s revenue comes from searches with commercial intent I.e. “cheapest coffeemaker” or “Miami hotels”. They dont earn very much from news related searches like “benghazi interviews”. I would argue they make their money on the backs of commercial enterprise, not journalists. Sergey and Larry owe the news industry nothing."

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